A practical guide to automating your ETL pipeline using Apache Airflow

In this article, we will undertake a simple project using Apache Airflow, acquire knowledge and put into practice the ETL process.

Back in 2014, the team at Airbnb developed an internal solution to manage the company's increasingly complex workflows. They called it Airflow. It is an orchestration tool that makes it easy to schedule, and monitor a collection of related tasks.

I'm not sure if the name Airflow is a combination of Airbnb and Workflow, but I'd like to think so... 

What is a Workflow

A workflow is defined as a sequence of tasks that processes a set of data through a specific path from start to finish. It is meant to automate a sequence of tasks that will save us a lot of time. A group of individual-related tasks, like reading and replying to emails, or reviewing bank statements and entering expenses into an Excel sheet, can be defined as a workflow.

Workflow Use Cases

Here are a few use cases that can make use of workflows in general:

  • Business intelligence
  • Logs processing and analytics
  • Machine learning prediction model

Our main focus will be on the practical implementation of a Machine Learning prediction model. We will explore how to create a workflow using Airflow, which will help us to gather, process, and store data efficiently.

Defining the ETL Workflow

For this project, we're going to assume that we're building a machine learning model that will predict a house price based on historical data. To keep this simple, we'll use a JSON file as the primary data source, but in the real world you'll be dealing with more complex data sources, such as:

  • External databases
  • Internal databases
  • Third-party APIs (JSON, XML, Etc.)
Data can come from single or multiple sources and in different formats and shapes.

Extracting Data

Ok, so we'll start by collecting the data from the JSON file using Python. We'll perform open() and json.load() methods to read and return the data.

Transforming Data

The next step is to work with the JSON data and convert it to a pandas DataFrame and save it locally as a CSV file. The DataFrame allows us to easily modify the data so that it can be used for analysis and model training later.

Loading Data

Finally, after we transform our data, we'll use scikit-learn (an ML library for Python) split our dataset into training and testing data so that it can be used to teach our model to make predictions.

Combining all titles from the steps above, we get Extract, Transform, and Load also known as ETL. It is a three-step workflow essentially achieving the below:

  1. Task 1: Extracting the Data
  2. Task 2: Transforming the Data
  3. Task 3: Loading the Data
General ETL Diagram

Apache Airflow

You'll often hear that Airflow is a good tool for ETL. While this is true, Airflow is a great tool for running any type of workflow given its simple user interface and its extensibility using operators (we'll get to that in a bit).

Introduction to DAGs

A DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is the core concept of Airflow, collecting Tasks together, organized with dependencies and relationships to say how they should run. - https://airflow.apache.org

Basically, a DAG is a collection of Tasks. The DAG contains specific instructions that dictate how its embedded tasks run, as well as, their order of execution. It's important to mention that the term Directed Acyclic Graph refers to a structure that does not contain any cycles, meaning the relationships between tasks cannot repeat or loop back on themselves, ensuring a one-way flow of task execution.

Simple DAG Diagram Showing the Order of Execution of Tasks: a, b, c, and d

When a DAG is executed, it is instantiated into a DAG Run. DAGs can be executed either manually, or automatically if the DAGs' definition includes a schedule.

Operators -> Tasks

Think of the operator as a template that can be used to create a new Task. It provides the necessary elements to perform the task but can be customized and tweaked as necessary.

Airflow has an extensive list of built-in operators that can be used to perform many tasks. Some of the most popular are:

  • EmailOperator: Sends an email
  • BashOperator: Executes a bash command
  • PythonOperator: Calls a Python function

There are community operators as well, so many of them, in fact, you can find an operator for almost anything you might need. If you don't you could simply write your own.

Tasks -> Task Instance

Tasks will run as part of a DAG execution, which instantiates as a DAG Run. Similarly, a task under that DAG, will be instantiated as a Task Instance. The task instance keeps track of the status (or state) of the task. In Airflow, there are multiple states that are set by each component. Take a look at the below diagram:

This basically shows the states in a lifecycle of a task instance.

Apache Airflow for ETL

Our goal is to have a DAG that looks like this:

Screenshot of DAG Graph from Apache Airflow UI

This graph shows three connected individual tasks:

  • extract_data_from_api: This will be our first task that will read and return the contents of a local JSON file.
  • transform_data_and_store: This will use the JSON data to make some transformations to it using pandas, and then save it as CSV.
  • train_linear_regression_model: The last task will read from the CSV data, split it into training and testing data, and then fit a linear regression model.

Task 1: Extracting the Data from a JSON file

For our first task, we're going to use the open method in Python to read from a local file data.json.

In the real world, you can apply the same logic but instead of a local file, you could have one or more sources from where you'll need to retrieve the data such as a GET request to an API, or a SELECT query on a database somewhere.

Here's our first Task:

# Task 1: Extract data from the local JSON file
def extract_data_from_json():
    json_file_path = '/path/to/data.json' # Replace with your path
    with open(json_file_path, 'r') as file:
        data = json.load(file)
    return data

# Define the tasks
task1 = PythonOperator(
Let's break it down:
  • In our function extract_data_from_json() we're simply loading the JSON file from its local path path/to/data.json and returning its JSON formatted data.
  • task1 is our actual Apache Airflow task. It is using the PythonOperator Operator since it will execute a Python method extract_data_from_json() as indicated in the python_callable parameter.
    • task_id is a unique identifier that must be unique across all other tasks in this particular DAG.
    • dag is a reference to the DAG that will contain this task, in our case, it's called dag and we'll get to its implementation in a bit.

Task 2: Transforming the data and storing it as CSV

# Task 2: Transform the data with pandas and store it as CSV
def transform_data_and_store(**context):
    data = context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_ids='extract_data_from_json')
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    df = df.rename(columns={'Price': 'price', 'SquareFootage': 'sqft'})
    df.to_csv('output.csv', index=False)
task2 = PythonOperator(
Let's break it down:
  • In our function transform_data_and_store(**context) we're expecting a context variable (which represents the data from task1) which we're converting as a DataFrame to transform the data. (We're just changing the title of the columns from Price to "price", and SquareFootage to "sqft"). Finally, we're saving the modified data to a local file in CSV format as output.csv.
  • task2 is our actual Apache Airflow task. It is using the PythonOperator Operator since it will execute a Python method transform_data_and_store() as indicated in the python_callable parameter.
    • task_id is a unique identifier that must be unique across all other tasks in this particular DAG.
    • provide_context is set to True so that Airflow knows to pass the context from task1 to task2 so that task2 has access to the data from task1.
    • dag is a reference to the DAG that will contain this task, in our case, it's called dag and we'll get to its implementation in a bit.

Task 3: Load the data into a machine learning model

# Task 3: Train linear regression model with scikit-learn
def train_linear_regression_model():
    data = pd.read_csv('output.csv')
    X = data['sqft'].values.reshape(-1, 1) 
    y = data['price'].values

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
    model = LinearRegression()
    model.fit(X_train, y_train)

task3 = PythonOperator(
Let's break it down:
  • In our function train_linear_regression_model() we're loading the previously saved output.csv file, defining our X, and Y variables, splitting the data into training and testing sets, and fitting a linear regression model.
  • task3 is our actual Apache Airflow task. It is using the PythonOperator Operator since it will execute a Python method train_linear_regression_model() as indicated in the python_callable parameter.
    • task_id is a unique identifier that must be unique to all other tasks in this particular DAG.
    • dag is a reference to the DAG that will contain this task, in our case, it's called dag and we'll get to its implementation in a bit.

Instantiating our DAG

# Define the DAG
default_args = {
    'owner': 'airflow',
    'start_date': datetime(2023, 5, 29),

dag = DAG('ml_training', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=None)
Let's break it down

We define our DAG as a variable called dag. The DAG constructor expects at least these three required parameters:

  • dag_id: This is a unique identifier for the DAG, in our case ml_training.
  • default_args: A dictionary containing the default arguments for the DAG. We defined our args in default_args which is then passed as the second parameter.
  • schedule_interval: Either a time object or a cron expression that describes an interval when the DAG should be triggered. We put None which basically tells the DAG that we'll run it manually.

Defining Task Order

Finally, we define the order of our tasks. Since we want task1 to run first, then task2, and finally task3. We can do the following:

# Define the task direction (task dependency)
task1 >> task2 >> task3

The >> operator in Airflow defines the direction of tasks within a DAG, so that a DAG Run ensures the tasks are executed in the proper order.

Performing a DAG Run

Screenshot from Apache Airflow Highlighting DAG Run Initiation Button

If all is well, our graph will change to look like this:

Screenshot after a successful DAG Run from Apache Airflow showing task1, task2, and task3 with arrows representing the order of execution.
The green border around each task means that the task was executed and completed successfully.


This post was a simple introduction to the concept of ETL, and how it can be applied using Apache Airflow. The tasks that will apply in your case will probably be completely different from what you saw here but the same logic applies. Having read this post, you will have everything you need to get started with Apache Airflow and explore its capabilities to fit your use case.

Thank you for reading!

The DAG source code and JSON file used for this project can be found here.